Team 743!

We are First Robotics (New York City & Connecticut 2009 Regional Finalists #3) Team 743 from "The Bronx!". We are from The High School Of Computers and Technology.

Monday, March 30, 2009

FRC Regionals: Connecticut

I hope I spelled Connecticut right...We are happy-ish to inform you that we indeed got to Second Place (again) at the FRC Regional in Hartford, Connecticut. It was a bittersweet win, yea we won something but we were really hoping for first but in the spirit of Gracious Professionalism we congratulate the winning alliance (1155, 1902, 126) Congrats guys! We would also like to give a big thanks to our #1 Asset Jovon Outlaw our driver! Without him we would not be so awesome! 


Sunday, March 8, 2009

The New Logo!

Our colors are new Baby Blue and Sea Green! Cool I know! 
The Logo is courtesy of Dennis Barrientos.

FRC Regionals: New York City

Hey everyone! We are proud to report that we The Technobots came in as Regional Finalists #3! We would like to thank our brilliant and talented mentors Ed and Jeff (Go Shasho *insider*). The New York City Regional at The Jacob Javits was so much fun being able to form alliances and help out other people! 3 Days of McDonalds, Starbucks, Pizza, the Crowd, The Enthusiasm and The Thrill and Drive to Win kept us going to be able to get where we are today! Thanks once again to our mentors but a super special thanks to Jazmin our captain, Mr. Bellis our supervisor and our Principal Mr. Abramowitz because without you guys none of this would be possible!

Off to Conneticut we go!.....Hopefully to do the same!

Congrats to all the other teams! Way to Go! Lunacy 09'

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Challenge 09': Lunacy

This year we have landed...On the Moon (kinda). Our Robot will literally weigh and move as if it were on the surface of the moon!

(Source: US First Website)

LUNACY is played on a 54' x 27' low 
friction field. Robots are equipped with 
slippery wheels and payload trailers. 
LUNACYgame pieces are “Orbit Balls” 
designated as Moon Rocks, Empty Cells, 
or Super Cells. Two three-team robot 
alliances collect and score Orbit Balls in 
trailers attached to the opposing teams’ 
robots. Human players are positioned 
around the perimeter of the arena and 
can score from their stations. 

Robots are autonomous during the 
first 15 seconds of play, and teleoperated 
for the remaining 2 minutes. Trailers begin 
each match empty, and robots may be 
loaded with up to 7 Moon Rocks by their 
team prior to the start of the match. 
Human players are equipped with 20 
Moon Rocks, less the number they load 
into their robot, and a quantity of Empty 
Cells and Super Cells determined by the 
outcome of their previous match. If a 
team has not yet played a match, the 
human player receives 4 Empty Cells 
and 2 Super Cells. 

Moon Rocks and Empty Cells scored 
in an opponent’s trailer, at any time and by 
any player, are worth 2 points. Super Cells 
scored in an opponent’s trailer are worth 
15 points. Super Cells must be “activated” 
before they can be played. Activation 
occurs when a robot delivers an Empty 
Cell from their Outpost to their Fueling 
Station. Empty Cells can be delivered 
throughout the match. Super Cells may 
only be played during the last 20 seconds 
of a match.